歡迎加入DVDFab版主連署計畫,透過推廣及售賣DVDFab產品,我們可以獲得雙贏。新的版主連署計畫非常靈活且易操作。合作關係將會自動被批准。如果您有任何疑問,請透過郵件聯絡我們:[email protected] 。
1. DVDFab的用戶轉化率高於3%,比只有1%~2%轉化率的商業網站的轉化率高出很多。
2. DVDFab產品豐富,所有單品、產品組合和All-In-One產品包都在版主連署計畫之中。
3. 新品發佈快,用戶二次購買率高。
4. 您可以從DVDFab任何語種網站的訂單中獲取傭金。
您需要提供用於售賣DVDFab產品的域名並聯絡[email protected]獲取聯署賬號。
Once the registration process is finished, a unique Affiliate ID shall be assigned to you. With this unique ID, you can customize your own purchase links to specified DVDFab products. In this way, we can track every order placed via these links and then automatically transfer the commission to your Affiliate Account.
Sample Links:
(kHmRs9S6epM9NLWu is a unique Affiliate ID, just replace it with your own Affiliate ID.)
(kHmRs9S6epM9NLWu is a unique Affiliate ID, just replace it with your own Affiliate ID.)
We can track all the user behaviors via the links above until the placement of an order, to calculate your commission. In other words, your commission will always be secured, just be assured.
You can login to DVDFab Affiliate Program to find all the products and corresponding documentations, or find the relevant information from the following PAD list.
If you have further questions about DVDFab Affiliate Program, feel free to contact us via [email protected]
We welcome everyone’s participation in DVDFab Affiliate program and work hard for mutual treatment with fairness and respect. To forge a win-win cooperation which not just protects our good fame but helps you to make a profit, we draft an agreement for your reference. Based on this agreement, it will be easy for you to apply to our DVDFab Affiliate Program, and continue to be a member of us if you are already in our DVDFab Affiliate Program.
Brief Introduction:
1. Before application, ensure there doesn’t exist and there will not be sexually explicit materials, violence, discrimination, potential illegal activities, copyright infringement or other violation of intellectual property, as well as conduct objectionable to us in our sole discretion on your website.
2. No Affiliate agreements are approved, including distributors of toolbars, browser helper objects, shopping assistance applications, etc.
3. Your endorsements and product reviews must be reasonable, rather than unfounded critical comparative reviews and disparagement of our competitors’ products.
4. No Fraud/Spamming/paid campaigns in Google Adwords are allowed.
5. No paid campaigns in Google including other systems’ trademarks are approved.
6. No cybersquatting and typosquatting is from your part (Your information should be totally different from ours) .
7. There is absolute limitation on coupon usage for the sale of undue promotion.
8. We may modify any terms of terms and conditions in this Agreement at any time at our sole discretion, and inform you by e-mail. If you cannot accept our new modification, the only solution is to terminate this Agreement.
(1) Your website mustn’t contain sexually explicit materials, violence, discrimination used for illegal activities. Otherwise your application will be rejected.
(2) We do not approve Affiliate agreements with distributors of toolbars, browser helper objects, shopping assistance applications, etc.
(3) You must comply with FTC's Endorsement Guidelines, ensure there is a reasonable basis for any endorsements and product reviews that you publish. Unfounded critical comparative reviews and any form of disparagement of our competitors products will not be allowed.
(4) Never infringe or assist others to infringe on any copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights or to violate the law.
(5) Your website mustn’t adopt domain names including or similar to “DVDFab”, or be designed imitating our website.
(6) No engagement in unlawful, harmful, threatening, defamatory, libelous, obscene, harassing, or fraudulent conduct, or other conduct which may be racial, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable to us in our sole discretion.
(7) No use software downloads that potentially enable diversions of commission from other members of our Affiliate Program.
(8) In order to help us accurately keep track of all guest visits from your site to ours, you must use the HTML code that we provide for each banner, text link, or other Affiliate link we provide you with.
(9) DVDFab reserves the right, at any time, and for any reason, to terminate your participation in the DVDFab Affiliate Program and block our HTML link from your site.
(10) We will not be responsible (and you will be solely responsible) if you use another person's copyrighted material or other intellectual property in violation of the law or any third party rights. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any liability or costs for any claims arising out of your acts or alleged acts which allege copyright infringement by you.
(11) All endorsements, reviews, testimonials on DVDFab's products and services, as well as relationships between other types of content websites (forums, blogs, microblogs, and other Social Media channels) and DVDFab must be clearly disclosed in a written statement on your websites. FTC points out that "when there exists a connection between the endorser and the seller of the advertised product," it is imperative that such a connection is "fully disclosed." FTC would deem our relationship as an endorser-sponsor and believes that the end user has the right to understand that an endorser-sponsor relationship exists. We share the underlying idea of this approach and require you to adhere to the FTC's rules.
(12) We may monitor your site to determine if you are following the terms and conditions of this Agreement. We have the right to terminate your participation in the DVDFab Affiliate Program if you engage in any of the conduct, or violate the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or for no reason at all in our sole discretion. If we terminate this agreement for breach, DVDFab shall not be liable to you for any commissions commencing on the date of your breach, regardless of when this agreement is terminated. This Agreement will begin upon our acceptance of your application and will continue unless terminated hereunder.
(13) Termination Either you or we may end this Agreement AT ANY TIME, with or without cause, by giving the other party written notice. Written notice can be in the form of email. In addition, this Agreement will terminate immediately upon any breach of this Agreement by you. If we terminate for breach we may also pursue any and all legal and/or equitable remedies.
(14) We may modify any of the terms and conditions in this Agreement at any time at our sole discretion. In such an event, you will be notified by email. Modifications may include, but are not limited to DVDFab Affiliate Program rules that we may publish or send to you. If any modification is unacceptable to you, your only option is to terminate this Agreement. Your continued participation in DVDFab Affiliate Program following the notice or the posting of our new Agreement on our site will indicate your agreement or rules to the changes.
(15) You may not advertise in any way that effectively conceals or misrepresents your identity, your domain name, or your return email address. You may use mailings to customers to promote DVDFab products so long as the recipient is already a customer or subscriber of your services or website, and recipients have the option to remove themselves from future mailings. You may also post to newsgroups to promote DVDFab products so long as the news group specifically welcomes commercial messages. At all times, you must clearly represent yourself and your websites as independent from DVDFab. If it comes to our attention that you are spamming, we will consider that cause for immediate termination of this Agreement and your participation in the DVDFab Affiliate Program. Any pending balances owed to you will not be paid if your account is terminated due to such unacceptable advertising or solicitation.
(16) Pay-Per-Click advertising in Google Adwords is strictly prohibited. You are not permitted to bid in Pay-Per-Click campaigns on keywords such as DVDFab.cn, DVDFab, www.DVDFab, www.DVDFab.cn, and/or any misspellings or similar alterations of these -- be it separately or in combination with other keywords or if you are a Coupon Affiliate in combination with + coupon, + discount and similar key phrases. Bidding on those keywords will be considered trademark violation and you will be terminated and banned from DVDFab Affiliate Program.
(17) You are not prohibited from keying in a prospect's information into the lead form as long as the prospects' information is real and true and these are valid leads (i.e., sincerely interested in DVDFab's service).
(18) If you are found to be cybersquatting or typosquatting on trademark-related domains you will be terminated and any commissions accrued to you, but unpaid, will be forfeited.
(19) You have the full right, power, and authority to enter into and be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and to perform your obligations under this Agreement, without the approval or consent of any other party.
(20) You hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless DVDFab and its subsidiaries and affiliates, and their directors, officers, employees, agents, shareholders, partners, members, and other owners, against any and all claims, actions, demands, liabilities, losses, damages, judgments, settlements, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) (any or all of the foregoing hereinafter referred to as "Losses") insofar as such Losses (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based on (a) any claim that our use of the affiliate trademarks infringes on any trademark, trade name, service mark, copyright, license, intellectual property, or other proprietary right of any third party, (b) any misrepresentation of a representation or warranty or breach of a covenant and agreement made by you herein, or (c) any claim related to your site or your business.
This Agreement contains terms and conditions enabling you to be an qualified affiliate in DVDFab Affiliate Program. Throughout this paper, your website is “You(r)” while DVDFab is “We/our”. Based on our benefits, we will update the agreement timely. If you fail to conform to all the terms ruled by us, you will pay for our loss from our point of view.